
Celkon Win 400, Most Affordable Smartphone Windows Phone

 Celkon Win 400, Competition between the operating system to make the producers are also racing to bring a superior product that is able to attract consumers. If the Android-based smartphones are met by devices that target a variety of segments, Windows Phone operating system was not to be outdone.
Lately Microsoft has presented a smartphone for middle and lower segments at attractive prices. And now, the producer from India Celkon, joined by presenting affordable Windows Phone device. By presenting this device, Celkon Win 400 could be the right smartphone for new users who want to switch and try theWindows Phone operating system.
Celkon Win 400 already use Windows Phone 8.1. And specifications are embedded adjusted to the price offered. Celkon Win 400 carrying 200 Snapdragon processor Quad-Core 1.2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 4 GB of internal memory, as well as a 4-inch screen with a resolution support of 480 x 800 pixels. For the battery capacity is 2500 mAh.
This smartphone sold quite affordable at $ 80. Thus arguably Celkin Win 800 is the cheapest Windows Phone smartphone today. But until now Celkin Win 800 new limited circulation in India alone.

Creating BrainGate technology Linking Brain Computer

Creating BrainGate technology Linking Brain Computer ,Currently medical technology has experienced rapid growth and awesome. Perhaps of some of the art is impossible if imagined ten years ago.
Have a brain that is directly connected to the computer it is only limited to fantasy in Hollywood movies.
But now, a team from Brown University with BrainGate name is conducting research to realize the fantasy. Through its official website, they say that it has been successfully used small and placing electrodes into the brain.
And from the beginning of the study showed that the nerve signals can be decoded by a computer in real-time and used to operate external devices. With the continued development of this method, it is not impossible in the future of the human brain can be used to do unique, such as surfing the Internet only through the power of the mind.
Even Intel predicts that this method will actually be realized in 2020.

Dolphin Browser Latest Fully Supports Android 5.0

Dolphin Browser Latest Fully Supports Android 5.0  users, can directly perform the update given the latest version is already present in the Google Play Store. Especially for users who already have Andoid 5.0 Lollipop, because since the release of version 11.3, the browser has fully supports Android 5.0.
Support for Android 5.0 displays materail design has been integrated with Dolphin. Lollipop adopt a minimalist design style will improve the performance and speed even though the user running the add-on to multiple sites.
Security also be improved by displaying a warning on the site that is running SSL 3. as security protocols. Other features include the ability to disable double tap to zoom on a site that uses flash animation.
The latest version is also designed to allow users to read the news or watch video on a smaller screen. Users can also choose to open the link using Dolphin Express or third-party applications such as Google Maps. In addition, of course, a lot of bug fixes that exist in previous versions.

Strati, First Car Made by 3D Printer

Strati, First Car Made by 3D Printer,Local Motors, the automotive company based in Arizona managed to create something new was first done by another company. They managed to create a car that is physically printed using a 3D printer and assemble as a whole.
Amazingly, the car named Strati is able to function layanya other factory-made cars. Using the power source of the battery, Strati can cover a distance of up to 193 km with only one battery charge alone. Strati even managed to be driven up to the speed of 64.4 miles per hour. One thing that is somewhat unusual for such a mini car.
In contrast to conventional cars which have skitar 5000 to 6000 parts, Strati only 49 parts of the course. This has included bodies, motors, wheels, seat passenger and the driver, to the windscreen. Everything is printed using a 3D printer using thermoplastic base material which is then reinforced with carbon fiber. Assembly process was not as complicated as an ordinary car. Strati technicians are able to assemble within 44 hours.
Although not yet marketed freely, Local Motors has plans to produce it for the general public. The price range has been set at around US $ 18,000 to US $ 30,000, depending on the desired design features and buyers.

Google Chrome 38.0.2125.104 Offline Installer

Google Chrome 38.0.2125.104 Offline Installer, Google Chrome is a browser alias free web browser by Google with many new features. Available versionoffline installer for easy installation without an internet connection. Google Chrome browsers popular among similar and as based on open source, Google Chrome is increasingly in demand each user to be modified. Google’s Chrome browser has a feature that is very much like an extension, Incognito mode, boomarks, omni box and others.

New Features New FootBall Manager 2015 Released

The best-selling football management game in the world, Football Manager 2015, finally officially released to the market. The gameplay is also commonly referred to by the acronym FM 2015 comes with new features that will spoil his fans. In addition, the game also presents a more realistic appearance matches than before.

New Features

In general, there are 7 new features on FM 2015 game. Such features include training style, the look, the position of the player, to the gameplay of the classic mode. Following a detailed review of each of these features, as quoted from the official website:

Management styles

When I first started the game, you are required to choose a style of training you want, whether it ‘tracksuit manager’ or ‘tactical manager’. Tracksuit manager will spend more time in the gym while the tactical manager is more focused on the purchase and selection of pemain.Tidak only that, you also can now choose more than one favorite club. Favorite tactics and also the type of player can set your favorite at the beginning of the game. In the course of the game, you will also get a badge if successfully achieved a certain achievement.

Match view more realistic

Display alias match match view is also now look more realistic with the addition of more than 2000 animations, ranging from celebration to protests from players. Lighting systems, spherical shape, to the type of stadium also received significant updates.

job interviews

This feature is already there since the game Football Manager 2014, but is now back got a renewal. Prior to coaching a club, you are right by the club owner asked about a variety of things. The longer and the more you train the club, it will be the more his question.

The new user interface

Football Manager 2015 match viewSalah one of the most striking of the game FM 2015 is a display interface that changed. You can now access various menus with ease so it does not take much to click on some menus that ‘hidden’.

Scouting Center

With internet browser search bar style, search players are now made easier and friendly. The search can also be refined with the addition of several new filters. One of the new filter included the search of players that are not at home at the club so that you can persuade him to pindah.Proses scouting or gifted talent search is also now easier. You can instruct scouts to find players who will patch the weakness of the current teams or players looking to the future. The scouts also now will report the results of the analysis with a more complete and detailed.

Player roles and movement

In Football Manager 2015 game, there are four roles aka new role for the players. With so managers can now more freely again set the tactics for his team. The fourth role is Roaming playmaker, Raumdeter, Inverted Wing Backs and Wide Playmaker.Selain role, movement or movements typical of a player also gets extra of which is’ refrains from shooting from distance ‘, and’ Likes to throw the ball long to start counter attacks’ for a goalkeeper. There are also ‘Penalty Box Player’ which is usually pinned to a Ruud van Nistelrooy.

Football Manager Classic

Football Manager Classic is a mode which is preferred by managers who do not have much time to play. On FM 2015, you can skip straight preseason and played in the competition so you do not need much time to party ujicoba.Beberapa unlockable feature is also added in this latest series like ‘unsuspend Player’, to remove the suspension and ‘dodgy lasagne’ for mental damage your enemy. There is also a ‘Lifetime Player’ to sign a player for life for the case of Frank Lampard scored against Chelsea does not happen again.

Leaked Four New Microsoft Windows Phone Smartphone

Officiall, Microsoft has presented its first Windows Phone smartphone via the Lumia 535 which will soon be present in the ground water. And for the next smartphone, Microsoft has prepared four smartphone as quoted from AdDuplex that get leaked on the appearance of four new smartphones Microsoft. Of these leaks, Microsoft will present four smartphone that has a screen between 4 inches and 5.7 inches which each targeting a different market.
The first, Microsoft uses Microsoft code RM 1069/1070/1071, which is a 4-inch screen smartphone with a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels. If the view of the size of the screen, this smartphone is intended specifically for developing countries to challenge Android devices in the low-end segment.
The second uses the Microsoft code RM 1072/1075 which uses a 5-inch screen with a resolution of 720p and will target the middle class segment. For the third is Microsoft RM 1062/1063/1064/1065 which is phablet which has a screen size of 5.7 inches with a resolution of 720p. It is estimated that this type will use the name Lumia 1330. For the latter type is Microsoft RM 1078 specifically to market in the United States.
Unfortunately, Microsoft itself is not going to present a new semartphone until the introduction of Windows 10. The new operating system will indeed be used on the new smartphone. That is four sightings of the new smartphone will be released after the presence of Windows 10 that is expected mid-2015.

Leaking Secrets Boss Twitter Medium Approach Justin Bieber

Twitter Medium Approach Justin Bieber,It has been recently leaked secret that Twitter is trying to approach the Justin Bieber who is the owner of the application Shots. The funny thing is, this secret was revealed to the pubic after one of the top Twitter, Anton Noto, inadvertently chirp in their own media.
Through Twitter account, Antoni Noto said, “I still think we have to buy it. He is scheduled to meet on 15 or December 16, we need to meet him. I have a plan. ”
It is torn into various media reports regarding interest Twitter for mobile applications Shots. Shots are mobile applications like Instamatic, but more focused on sharing photos selfie. Applications claimed to be very popular among adolescents under the age of 24 years. In November 2013 then, Bieber invest US $ 1.1 million for Shots. Shots itself was developed by two brothers John and Sam Shading.
Twitter is currently interested in the commercial value of Shots were then purchased Bieber. Moreover, it can be regarded as rescue measures for Twitter after the previous application that failed to compete with Instamatic Vine.
Until now there has been no official statement from both sides on these matters. Or it could be from that moment did not dare Antoni Noto started twittering in Twitter, fear of leaking secrets between them back.

Finally Succeed Beyond Windows 8.1 Windows XP

Finally Succeed Beyond Windows 8.1 Windows XP,Although the beginning of its presence had been criticized and shunned by users, Windows 8.1 finally surpassed gains obtained by Windows XP. Windows XP is the operating system Microsoft is phenomenal where ‘death’ still lamented by users who are happy with the resulting performance.
According to statistics published by StatCounter, in November, Windows 8.1 shows an increase in the use of the acquisition of 11.92% of desktop users worldwide. This figure compared to Windows XP thin lead of 11.79%.
Windows 7 is still dominated by the scoring of 55.95% for desktop users. For its mobile operating system (Windows Phone 8 and 8.1), won approximately 17.42%. Meanwhile, Apple’s desktop operating system, Mac OS X, used by approximately 8.98%.
The advantages achieved by Windows 8.1 is not surprising considering Microsoft has discontinued support for Windows XP since last April. Microsoft is also working hard mendotong users to switch to a more modern system is Windows 8.1. However, many users of Windows 7 are still reluctant to switch to Windows 8.1 with reasons still looks the same as Windows XP

This is the reason Google Creating Google Gmail Inbox Adjoining

This is the reason Google Creating Google Gmail Inbox Adjoining ,As we know that Google has made a new breakthrough in the scope of their email waitress. If previously they had been providing Gmail as a means of communicating via email and successfully appeal to the global Internet users, now they bring back an application that when we see a glimpse of it as similar to Gmail, the Google Inbox.
It’s been a lot of users who express positive aspirations, but not a few who criticize how Google can create applications that “confusing”. Actually, what is the reason that causes them to create two facilities that run parallel Email this?
Party Google finally spoke. Their goal is to create a Google Inbox for Gmail users can help the routine and require interfaces that are easy to see, without having to display the advanced features that are rarely used.
According to Marat Ryndin explanation which is UX / visual designer of Google, Google will still maintain Gmail as an email tool that is optimized for general users but also provides further features for the needy. On the other hand, they created Google Inbox as standalone applications that are specifically intended for users with email usage activity more routine and require interaction more intense every day.
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